Current Vacancies
No vacancies at present.
Non-Executive Board Members
Non-Executive Board members work with closely with NHS Forth Valley’s Senior Leadership Team and staff across the organisation and play a key role in setting the Board’s strategic direction, monitoring and reviewing performance, managing and overseeing risk, creating the right culture and, as ambassadors of the Board, engaging widely with staff, partner organisations and other key stakeholders. Non-Executive Board members must therefore be able to think strategically and creatively, have independent views, embody NHS Scotland’s values and have the ability to challenge in a constructive manner.
Non-Executive roles are filled through a public appointment process coordinated by the Scottish Government. Details of any current vacancies are listed below along with links and videos with further information.
Further information about the role of Non-Executive Board Members can be found on the NHS Forth Valley media release, NHS Scotland website or Scottish Public Appointments website or watch the short videos below to hear from current NHS Forth Valley Non-Executive Board members.