Local Meeting Highlights Help for Sensory Impairment
The wide range of services available at the Forth Valley Sensory Centre in Camelon will be discussed at a public meeting in Sauchie Community Hall on Wednesday November 4th 2015 at 7.00pm. The Centre aims to improve quality of life for people with a sensory impairment and help them become more confident and develop new skills.
Run by a Trust comprising NHS Forth Valley, Guide Dogs, RNIB, Action on Hearing Loss and Stirling and Falkirk Councils, the centre offers advice and information, social groups and classes, an IT room with PCs fully equipped with the latest software for deaf, blind and deafblind users, and a physical disability nursing advisory service. There is also a recording studio to enable information to be recorded onto audio tape and CD, and transcription services so material can be provided in Braille and large print. In addition, the RNIB run regular sessions on benefits and employability.
NHS Forth Valley’s Public Partnership Forum Development Co-ordinator Jessie Anne Malcolm, who has organised the meeting, explained: “Although the Centre is very popular, there are still many people who are unaware of what exactly is on offer and how it could make their lives easier. Not only can it provide information, advice, diagnosis and treatment but it’s also a great place for people to meet socially and receive support from others who have been through similar experiences”
The Sensory Centre, at Redbrae Road, Camelon, is open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. People attending the Sauchie public meeting will also hear about work under way to develop and improve services delivered within the Emergency Department, Acute Assessment and Clinical Assessment Unit at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert.