Grateful Falkirk Family Raise Money To Thank Forth Valley Royal Hospital Staff

A son said his dad probably would have died if not for the quick actions and skill of staff at Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

Barry Main, 47, feared the worst when his father John was rushed into the hospital earlier in the year complaining of stomach pains – a complaint that was initially thought to be a bout of constipation.

It turned out a cancerous tumour was blocking the 72-year-old Maddiston man’s bowel and emergency surgery was required.

Barry, who lives in Laurieston, said: “My dad’s my best friend and they saved his life. His stomach had swollen up and we said there’s something not right – he couldn’t drive it was so painful for him.
“If they hadn’t acted so quickly I know my dad probably wouldn’t be around now. My dad was admitted into hospital on the Thursday and was operated first thing on the Saturday morning.

“It all happened so quick so we didn’t get a chance to prepare for what was happening. The surgeons, doctors, nurses and the tea ladies were all absolutely amazing with my dad and with all our family.

“The quick actions taken by all involved and the surgeon Mr Geraghty saved my dad’s life and we wanted to show some kind of appreciation. The full team involved worked tirelessly and were always smiling and helped keep my dad’s spirits up.

“Those guys deserve so much more than what we could raise but we wanted to donate this to help with the wellbeing of all involved.”

To show their gratitude to the staff at the hospital, Barry and the family joined forces with the Jolly Beggars Burns Club and raised a total of £400 through a Burns Supper at Laurieston Bowling Club.

More money will be on the way from special memorial event the family hold every year – with the cash raised being split between Strathcarron Hospice and FVRH.

And, as for John, he is now receiving chemotherapy and doing so well he thought he would be heading off on holiday to Benidorm.

Barry laughed: “He had that holiday booked for months before all this happened and he told Mr Geraghty, ‘I’m away on holiday in a few weeks’ and Mr Geraghty said, that’s good, it will do you good to get away for a while – thinking he meant a holiday in the UK.

“When he found out dad meant Benidorm, he said ‘under no circumstances are you getting on a plane’.”

Barry has promised his dad another holiday to foreign parts once his dad has been given the green light to travel abroad.

NHS Forth Valley stated the money raised by Burns night organised by Barry and the Jolly Beggars Burns Club – and the total from the upcoming memorial event – will be used for staff welfare in some form or other, as per the request of Barry and the family.

“I don’t think they get enough praise for the job they do day in day out,” said Barry, who now counts every day he has with his dad – and his best pal – as a blessing.

Photo caption – John Main, middle, and Barry Main, far left, join surgeon Alistair Geraghty, stoma care nurse Jennifer Thomson, staff from our oncology support team and representatives of the Jolly Beggars Burns Club