We share the long-term goal for all Scottish public services set out in the BSL National Plan, which is:
The Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach will be fully embedded, with a deaf or deafblind child and their family offered the right information and support at the right time to engage with BSL. We will strengthen partnerships between relevant organisations to overcome barriers for BSL users and deaf/ deafblind children to ensure they have the support they need at all stages of their learning, so that they can reach their full potential.
We will:
- Make sure information on all options for language and communication is available to children and their families from the point of diagnosis of hearing loss/deafness.
- Ensure families of Deaf and Deafblind children have access and information on the nationally developed BSL resources and advice.
- Support, signpost and give information to staff working with children, young people and their families on Deaf culture, resources available and communication methods, making sure they have the necessary knowledge and tools to effectively engage with the Deaf community.
- Continue to work to together to ensure integrated approaches that coordinate care and support.
- Offer learning opportunities and professional development opportunities in Deaf, Deafblind awareness & BSL for all staff.
- Maintain the integration of Deaf studies into relevant educational curricula.