Our plan will regularly be reviewed and updated as needed. It may change as we improve and discover new things.
A comprehensive progress report on the plan will be presented in the future, showing improvements made and offering useful changes.
We are committed to ongoing, transparent, clear communication with our BSL community. Consultation and engagement will continue after the plan’s launch and during significant progress points.
BSL users are encouraged to share their feedback at any time. This can be positive or negative, this input helps us focus on the areas of greatest need and address the priorities of our local community.
Giving Us Your Feedback / Get In Touch / Alternative Formats
We are happy to provide this document in other languages or formats such as Braille, Audio or Large Print. To request an alternative format, please contact us using your preferred method below:
Falkirk Council
Phone: 01324 590875
Text: 07736149585
Email: sensory@falkirk.gov.uk
NHS Forth Valley
Phone: 01324 590886
Text: 07990690605
Email: fv.equality@nhs.scot