NHS Scotland has launched a campaign to increase the number of consultant grade radiologists in post by 10%. Nine Health Boards, including NHS Forth Valley, are teaming up to fill 32 vacancies through targeted advertising across the globe. Health Boards… read more →
A pioneering outdoor activity scheme involving childminders and pre-fives, which could help prevent obesity and ill-health in later life, has earned childminders in the Stirling area a Natural Health Award. The pilot health improvement project is believed to be the… read more →
A new deal for carers, which comes into force in April 2018, will be one of the topics discussed at a public engagement meeting on Wednesday 21st February 2018 in Lecture Theatre, Stirling Community Hospital, Livilands Gate, Stirling. Organised by… read more →
Home fire and safety visits have begun in Clackmannanshire for people with mental health difficulties. The pilot project, a joint initiative between NHS Forth Valley and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, is designed to reduce accidental house fires and… read more →
The second group of Modern Apprentices to work with NHS Forth Valley have been extremely successful – with 13 out of 14 securing jobs. They are pictured at a recent Graduation ceremony where they were presented with certificates to mark… read more →
People in Forth Valley have risen to the challenge to get a flu jab and have recorded the highest uptakes in mainland Scotland for several categories, including older people and primary school children. Latest figures show that 76% of people… read more →
Four of the five GPs at Dr Stirling & Partners Medical Practice at Alloa have confirmed that they plan to leave or retire over the next few months and, as a result, NHS Forth Valley will take over temporary responsibility… read more →
Around 90 NHS Forth Valley staff, with a total of 2,590 years service between them, received a Long Service Award after achieving 20, 30 or 40 years service. They attended a special award ceremony at Forth Valley Royal Hospital to… read more →
A new deal for carers which comes into force in April 2018 will be one of the topics discussed at a public engagement meeting on Wednesday 7th February 2018 in Sauchie Community Hall, Mar Place, Sauchie. Organised by NHS Forth… read more →
Public asked to share views on development of public areas and green space Members of the public, local residents and community groups are being encouraged to attend a local information and engagement event to find out more about the new… read more →