All adults in Forth Valley to be scheduled for first dose of Covid-19 vaccine by end of June

The process of booking all over 18s in NHS Forth Valley for their first Covid-19 vaccine appointment will be complete by Sunday 27th June 2021 five weeks ahead of the target date of 31 July.

Letters are going out to those 18-29 year olds who didn’t sign up to the self-registration portal and anyone who hasn’t yet received their blue envelope can check their appointment details online.

The online appointment tracker allows people to reschedule their vaccine if the timing is unsuitable and means those who have recently changed address can arrange to get their first dose at a more convenient location.

Jillian Taylor, NHS Forth Valley’s Operational Lead for the Covid-19 vaccination programme,  said: “We continue to make excellent progress in getting all adults in Forth Valley vaccinated, and I’m very happy to confirm that by the end of next week, everyone over the age of 18 will have been scheduled for their first dose. Anyone who hasn’t received a letter, text or email about their upcoming appointment by the 27th of June can check their appointment details online.

“It’s so important that everyone comes forward for both doses of their vaccine when invited to give themselves the maximum protection from Covid-19. Getting vaccinated along with following restrictions is our best way out of the pandemic.”

Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care Humza Yousaf said: “I am delighted that we are on the brink of reaching the major milestone of having scheduled first doses for all adults, five weeks ahead of schedule.

“I want to say a huge thank you to everyone involved in the vaccination programme for their part in this remarkable achievement which has been accomplished just over six months since the roll-out began.

“Anyone who has not yet received their appointment can go online and check the details at NHS Inform. The system allows people to rebook if the timing or location is not suitable which will be a useful tool for students and anyone who has recently moved house.

“NHS boards have boosted their capacity to administer second doses alongside the delivery of first doses following recent advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) that the interval for second doses be brought forward from 12 weeks to eight weeks.

“Again, I want to stress how important it is that everyone takes up their offer of a vaccine when they get it. The emergence of the Delta variant shows we cannot be complacent, and the vaccination programme – along with restrictions and testing – offers protection to you, your loved ones and your community.”