Swallowing a small sponge on a string could replace traditional endoscopy tests as an equally effective but faster and less invasive way of diagnosing cancer at early stage for patients at risk of developing oesophageal cancer. NHS Forth Valley is… read more →
Contact tracing is taking place at Hillview Nursery in Stirling and close contacts have been identified and advised to self-isolate in line with national guidance.
A ward at Falkirk Community Hospital, which was closed because of a small number of suspected cases of Covid-19, has now re-opened after subsequent tests proved negative. Staff and patients were kept aware of developments whilst investigations were undertaken and… read more →
A mobile testing centre for Covid-19 is to be set up in two villages near Stirling after a number of people in the Fallin and Cowie areas tested positive for coronavirus. There is evidence of spread in the local community and infections have also affected schools.… read more →
Contact tracing is taking place at the following schools and close contacts have been identified and advised to self-isolate in line with national guidance. Robust control measures were already in place to protect the health of pupils and staff and… read more →
NHS Forth Valley’s Test and Protect team is currently carrying out COVID-19 contact tracing in the following schools: St Modan’s High School Bannockburn High School Bannockburn Primary School Initial information suggests the virus was contracted outside of the establishments and… read more →
Contact tracing is taking place at the following schools and close contacts have been identified and advised to self-isolate in line with national guidance. Robust control measures were already in place to protect the health of pupils and staff and… read more →
NHS Forth Valley’s Test and Protect team is currently carrying out COVID-19 contact tracing in the following schools/nursery: Maddiston Nursery – Falkirk St Francis Xavier’s Primary School – Falkirk Riverside Primary School – Stirling St Modan’s High School – Stirling Carrongrange… read more →
Healthcare professionals at Forth Valley hospitals are urging patients with diabetes and endocrine conditions to take part in telephone and video consultations for outpatient appointments, rather than attending for face-to-face checks. The arrival of Covid-19 has led to a major… read more →
Flu vaccinations are beginning in Forth Valley, with the first taking place in Bo’ness on Monday 28th September followed by the Falkirk area. This year, due to Covid-19, a very different approach is being taken to maintain physical distancing and… read more →