Positive discussions are underway to explore the development of a new NHS dental practice in Callander to support local NHS patients from Callander and the surrounding area. The Infinity Blu Dental Care and Implant Clinic, which is located on the… read more →
Mental Health Project Benefits Health and Care Students at Forth Valley College Funding from the NHS has seen a ‘Mental Health Matters’ project become a huge success at Forth Valley College. In partnership with Falkirk and District Association for Mental… read more →
Patients with minor injuries are being encouraged to attend local Minor Injuries Units (MIUs) to access faster healthcare advice and treatment. There is a dedicated MIU at Stirling Health and Care Village and a minor injuries service at Forth Valley… read more →
Three new courses to lay the foundations for a career in the health and care sector, are recruiting now at Forth Valley College. The innovative short courses are some of the first to be offered through the Forth Valley University… read more →
Patients and members of the public across Forth Valley are being invited to have their say on any changes and improvements they would like to see at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. A Public Participation Group is to meet for the… read more →
Nursing is a rewarding profession that opens doors to a wide range of roles in caring for others and promoting health and wellbeing. However, contrary to popular belief, it is also a profession which can be accessed through many different… read more →
Two mental health wards at Forth Valley Royal Hospital have been awarded accreditation status by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) for their commitment to high quality care. Currently only two other mental health facilities in Scotland have managed to… read more →
GP Practices across Forth Valley are experiencing unprecedented demand and have seen a sharp rise in the number of calls and requests for appointments, compared to pre-pandemic levels. Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership Clinical lead and local… read more →
Local people across Forth Valley are being urged to practice safer sex and to get tested if they have been at risk following a large increase in cases of gonorrhoea. In 2019, 164 cases of gonorrhoea were reported in Forth… read more →
NHS Forth Valley is preparing for its toughest winter yet as health and social care services across the area continue to face exceptional high levels of demand. As we head into the festive period local people are being asked to… read more →