Campaign Highlights Support for Mental Health

NHS Forth Valley is encouraging everyone to look after their physical and mental health, echoing guidance from the Scottish Government’s Principal Medical Officer for Mental Health.

Post-festive blues, cold dark nights and the arrival of unpaid credit card bills can have an impact on mental health. That is why, for those going through a difficult patch, feeling stressed, anxious or low, the Scottish Government’s Mind to Mind campaign, hosted on the NHS Inform website, offers some practical tips to help with life’s ups and downs.

The Mind to Mind campaign aims to ensure people can think about their mental health alongside their physical health and have the information and support they need. Videos on Mind to Mind tell the stories of how others deal with life’s challenges as well as signposting relevant helplines and resources for those who need additional or urgent support.

Principal Medical Officer, Dr Alastair Cook, said: “It can be difficult at this time of year when it’s cold, dark and people have added worries. Looking after your mental health though is as important as looking after your physical health and we should all try to take steps every day to help our wellbeing.

“For some people that could be spending time outside, with family or friends or exercising. Everyone is an individual so it’s whatever works for you and can help brighten your day.

“If you are feeling low, overwhelmed, unable to sleep, struggling to get out of bed, or just not yourself, I’d encourage you to talk to someone about how you’re feeling as it can help lighten the load. Remember support is there, so please reach out if you’re struggling.”

Dr Nabila Muzaffar, NHS Forth Valley’s Associate Medical Director for Mental Health, said: “A range of local and national services are available, and I would encourage anyone who needs advice or support for themselves, or a member of their family, to have a look at the Mind to Mind website or contact a support organisation.”