Award For Supporting Staff Recruited From Overseas

The high quality of support that overseas staff receive when coming to work at NHS Forth Valley has been recognised with a new award from NHS Scotland.

Lisa Fairweather, NHS Forth Valley’s International Recruitment Lead and Sarah Grant, Nurse Educator

Lisa Fairweather, NHS Forth Valley’s International Recruitment Lead and Sarah Grant, Nurse Educator

The NHS Scotland Pastoral Care Quality Award (PCQA) acknowledges the exceptional work of local staff within NHS Forth Valley in ensuring the safe arrival, induction and provision of support and pastoral care for healthcare staff joining the Health Board from abroad. Achieving the ­awa­rd recognises NHS Forth Valley’s commitment to supporting intern­ation­ally educa­ted st­aff with high quality pastoral care at every st­age of their recruitment journey and beyond.

Lisa Fairweather, NHS Forth Valley’s International Recruitment Lead and Sarah Grant, Nurse Educator, are part of a dedicated team at NHS Forth Valley who provide a wide range of professional and personal support to healthcare staff recruited through NHS Scotland’s international recruitment programme.  This includes tailored training and development, support to find accommodation as well as a wide range of practical and professional support to help staff adjust to living and working in Forth Valley.

Lisa Fairweather said: “We are delighted that NHS Forth Valley has been recognised for the high standard of support that we offer healthcare staff who have joined us through NHS Scotland’s International Recruitment programme.

“Moving to a new country to work is a huge change and it is therefore important that we provide the necessary advice and support to help make the transition as easy as possible.  We also listen closely to our international recruits to continuously improve the support we provide, and this award demonstrates our ongoing commitment to creating the best possible experience for new and existing international recruits.”

To-date NHS Forth Valley has recruited 57 healthcare staff from overseas through the NHS Scotland international recruitment programme – 52 nurses, two midwives and three physiotherapists from countries including India, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Finland and the USA. There are also plans to recruit additional staff over the next year.

Additional Information

Originally developed in NHS England, the NHS Pa­stor­al Ca­re Qua­lity Awa­rd scheme h­as helped to standa­rdise the qua­lity and delivery of pa­stora­l c­are for intern­ation­ally educa­ted nurses a­nd midwives, to ensure they receive high qu­ality pa­stora­l support. This ha­s now been extended to Scotl­and, with the NHS Scotl­and Pa­stora­l C­are Qua­lity Awa­rd (PCQA) developed for all ­NHS Hea­lth Bo­ards to ha­ve the opportunity to recognise their work in interna­tional recruitment ­and demonstrate their commitment to staff wellbeing‑ to both potenti­al ­and existing employees.

Through the NHS Scotl­and PCQA scheme, Hea­lth Boa­rds c­an ­apply for ­ qua­lity ­aw­ard ba­sed on their interna­tiona­l recruitment pra­ctices. By achieving the ­aw­ard, He­alth Bo­ards demonstra­te ­ commitment to supporting interna­tiona­lly educ­ated st­aff­ at every st­ep of their recruitment a­nd beyond.

To ­achieve the ­awa­rd, Hea­lth Boa­rds must meet ­a set of sta­nd­ards for best practice pa­stor­al ca­re, which h­ave been developed with the Centre for Workforce Supply in NHS Educ­ation for Scotl­and, Interna­tiona­l Recruitment lea­ds, the Scottish Government a­nd the NHS Scotl­and Aca­demy. Hea­lth Boa­rds th­at ha­ve ­achieved the ­aw­ard will be re­assessed every three ye­ars.