Staff Celebrate 5,000 Years of Helping Patients
More than 200 staff with a total of 5,560 years of service between them have received Long Service Awards from NHS Forth Valley. A number of them were able to attend a special awards ceremony at Forth Valley Royal Hospital to mark their 20, 30 or 40 years service with the NHS.

Thirty Years Service
The event was hosted by NHS Forth Valley Chairman, Alex Linkston and Chief Executive Cathie Cowan and each member of staff was presented with a specially-designed certificate and pin badge.
It was a particularly poignant moment for a team of five from the Pathology Department, four with 30 years service and one with 20 years. The women have worked together for many years testing cervical smear samples using microscopes but new screening methods which involve checking first for the human papilloma virus (HPV) has shifted the service to two dedicated centres in Scotland. The team, who are taking up other roles in the laboratories, were featured in a short video which was shown at the ceremony.

20 Years Service
Staff also heard from Hazel Somerville, NHS Forth Valley Gender Based Violence Lead, who celebrated 30 years with the NHS. She spoke about her work at The Meadows which provides a comprehensive range of services and support for adults and children who have experienced rape, sexual assault or gender-based violence, including victims of historic sexual abuse.
There was also a journey at the awards ceremony through 1979, 1989 and 1999, by way of a slide show featuring music and photographs, some recalling key events during these years.
NHS Forth Valley Chairman, Alex Linkston, said: “It was a great pleasure to present these awards to staff and have me the opportunity to say a personal thank you for their long and dedicated service to the NHS. The staff who attended the awards ceremony came from many different backgrounds and it was fascinating to listen to their personal stories and hear about some of the changes they witnessed during their careers, not to mention a host of memories.”
Of the staff who received awards this year – 96 celebrated 20 years service, 80 had served 30 years and 31 had notched up 40 years service with the NHS. The largest number work in nursing and midwifery services however staff from all areas received awards including medical, administration, support services and allied health professionals.