NHS Forth Valley won two of the six poster categories at the recent NHS Scotland Event at the SECC in Glasgow and was also a finalist in a third category. Suzanne Millar, Senior eHealth Project Officer and team won the ‘Infrastructure’ category for their work to develop a new electronic cancer summary system and Beverley Finch, EPQi Programme Manager and team won the ‘Person-Centred’ category and the overall People’s Choice Award for the ALFY service – a new telephone advice line for older people. Dr Chris Hunter, a GP at Viewfield Medical Practice and colleagues, was a finalist in the Effective Care Category for his poster ‘Should I keep taking the tablets Doc?’ which highlighted work undertaken to reduce the number of hypnotic and anxiolytic drugs prescribed to treat anxiety and insomnia. Congratulations to all the staff involved in preparing and presenting the 14 posters which were submitted by NHS Forth Valley at this year’s national event.