What is dysphagia?
Dysphagia means difficulty swallowing. It is usually caused by another health condition such as a stroke, dementia, COPD or head and neck cancer.
Dysphagia can range from a mild difficulty swallowing certain foods to not being able to swallow at all.
Signs of dysphagia can include:
- Coughing or choking when eating or drinking
- Wet, gurgly voice when eating or drinking
- Change in breathing after swallowing
- Chest infections
Dysphagia can be a short term problem that resolves or a longer term issue which can cause weight loss, dehydration and chest infections.
For more information about dysphagia, visit NHS Inform.
The Role of Speech & Language Therapists and Dietitians
If you or someone you care for is having difficulty swallowing then they should be referred to a Speech & Language Therapist (SLT) for an assessment. The SLT will recommend food and drink textures which are safest and easiest to swallow.
NHS Forth Valley follows the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) to describe food and drink textures.
People with dysphagia may also be referred to a Dietitian (specialist in nutrition). They will provide advice about changes to the texture of food and make sure that the diet is as nourishing as possible. In severe cases of dysphagia, the Dietitian might suggest a feeding tube to provide nutrition for someone while they are recovering the ability to swallow or if they are at risk of malnutrition. This would be discussed with the person and their loved ones and the wider healthcare team.
Self Help Resources
The patient handouts provide easy-to-read information about the IDDSI levels, their testing methods and include examples of foods for each level and food textures to avoid.
The handouts can be used by people who have feeding, chewing or swallowing problems, their caregivers and clinicians. They are available in various different languages.
Easy Read Resources
- Easy Health – Easy Health are an online library of accessible health information with simple words, clear pictures and films.
- Easy Read Resources for those with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties (Northern Health and Social Care Trust)
Useful Websites and Videos
- Dysphagia (Swallowing Problems) (NHS Inform)
- IDDSI videos – Videos are available in English, as well as, a range of other languages.
- Thickening Drinks video (Chesterfield Royal Hospital)
- Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) (NHS Forth Valley)
Staff Resources and Training
- Management of Dysphagia Module – This training is for all trained and untrained nursing staff, AHPs, and other staff involved in the process of supporting and monitoring nutrition and hydration.
- IDDSI Webinar – For Healthcare Professionals
- IDDSI Posters