Common Musculoskeletal Conditions
Foot and Ankle
- Ankle sprain | NHS inform – Ankle injuries are common in children and young people, please follow this link if you need further information.
- Severs Disease – Severs is a common condition causing heel pain often seen in children aged between 8-15 years.
- Flat feet – Ordinarily before the age of 3 all children have flat feet, as the arch on the inside of the foot does not begin to develop until after this age. Even in older children flat feet do not usually cause any problems.
- Osgood Schlatters – Osgood Schlatter is a term used to describe pain, in an area just below the knee on the lower leg. This can also be called a ‘traction apophysitis’. It affects 1 in 10 young people and is often related to growing and being active. Having pain in this area is not dangerous and is a normal reaction to your body being overprotective.
- Exercises for knee muscle and joint problems | NHS inform
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome | NHS Lanarkshire (– Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is the name given to a common knee condition which causes pain at the front of the knee around the area known as the patellofemoral joint. This is the joint between the kneecap (patella) and the thigh bone (femur). Pain is most commonly felt around or behind the kneecap. Symptoms are often experienced during activities such as sitting for too long, squatting, running, jumping and going up and down stairs.
- CYP PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICE NHS FIFE – YouTube – Please see this YouTube channel for progressive knee stretches and strengthening exercises. Please do not continue these exercises if you experience any pain and contact your GP or Physiotherapist if problems persist.
- Patellar dislocation
- Hip pain in children (irritable hip) – NHS ( – Hip pain in children is most often caused by a condition called irritable hip, which usually gets better on its own. However, any hip pain in children should always be checked by a health care professional.
- Limping in children – NHS ( – Limping in children is not usually serious and could be caused by something minor like a sprain or strain however, it should be assessed by a health care professional.
Spine and posture
Hypermobile joints
- Hypermobility and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder ( – Hypermobility refers to increased movement at a joint. Hyper means ‘more’ and mobility means ‘movement’. It is considered a normal finding by medical professionals.
Walking Concerns
- Intoeing Gait ( – In toeing is common during growth, where some children’s feet point inward when they walk. This is known as In toeing. It is common in children and may affect both feet or just one.
- Toe walking | NHS Lanarkshire (