Day Therapy is located on the ground floor of the Forth Valley Royal Hospital.
Our Service
- To enable people to stay at home and encourage them to be as independent as possible with all the necessary support.
- To allow medical investigations to be performed without the need for admission to hospital.
- To enable assessment and rehabilitation to be carried out by a multidisciplinary team.
The Team
The team consists of consultants supported by other doctors. There are trained nurses and nursing auxiliaries. you will be given a named nurse on your first attendance who will be responsible for planning your care with you.
- Physiotherapists
Everyone is seen by the physiotherapist who helps with mobility and ability to function at home. - Occupational Therapists
The Occupational Therapist will asses each person with the aim of enabling people who are disabled to be as independent as possible in their everyday lives.
Other Services
Other services available in the department are:
A three course meal is served at 12noon each day.