Contact Information
Liaison Psychiatry for Older People
Phone: 01324 564703
National Dementia Champion Link
Yvonne Cairns
Phone: 01324 567423
Jeff Dormer
AHP Coordinator Older Adults Mental Health
Clackmannanshire Community Health Care Centre
FK10 3JQ
Phone: 01259 290505
Dementia Outreach Team (DOT)
Airth Health Centre
Miller Place
Phone: 01786 454633 or 01324 832610
For Community Based Assistance
Community Mental Health Team for Older Adults
Stirling: 01786 454665
Clackmannanshire: 01259 290392
Falkirk: 01324 673808
For Care Home Based Assistance
Community Mental Health Team for Older Adults
Stirling and Clackmannanshire: Hilary Hunter – 01786 454665
Falkirk: Shona Mackie – 01324 673808
Carer Support
Stirling Carers Support
Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carers Centre
Dementia Champions
We currently have 22 Dementia Champions throughout NHS Forth Valley with a further five due to complete the course in 2016. The champions meet monthly so that they are provided with updates of the work being undertaken for the National Dementia Strategy which they are then asked to disseminate to their clinical areas. The meetings also provide opportunities for the Champions to discuss any areas for improvement in their own environments. Staff members should familiarise themselves with their nearest Dementia Champion. The Dementia Champions also use many of their meetings to organise teaching sessions which all staff are welcome to attend. Ward SCNs will all have a copy of the future training topics and dates.