The Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service is located within the Forth Valley Sensory Centre.
The centres core opening hours are 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, however pre-arranged appointments are available outwith these times for visitors to the Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service.
The service covers the Forth Valley community from Tyndrum in the North to Bo’ness in the South.
The team consists of:
- Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Lead/Advisor – Service Manager, training, advice and guidance;
- Equality, Diversity and Wellbeing Lead – Team Manager, training, advice and guidance;
- Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Advisor – training, advice, interpretation/languages service other than English;
- Equality, Inclusion and Liaison Officer – training, advice, interpretation/deaf BSL Community;
- Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Administrator – general advice/support, interpretation services;
We are here to assist NHS staff, patients, carers and visitors have equality of support and access to information and services.
Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service offers an extensive range of training including:
- Communication with Sensory Impaired People
- Disability Awareness Training
- Hard of Hearing or Deaf Awareness Training
- Environmental Awareness and Access Training
- Interpretation and Translation, working with and legal obligation
- Specific service/team training, meeting individual needs
The team can provide on-site training to small or larger groups to enable staff to make best use of their time, no travelling, short focused sessions to meet their specific need. To discuss further, call 01324 590870.
British Sign Language (BSL) Joint Plan 2023 – 2029
NHS Forth Valley and Falkirk Council’s Joint BSL Plan 2023 – 2029 reflects our shared commitment to enhancing the lives of Deaf, Deafblind, and Tactile BSL users.
Rooted in partnership and informed by ongoing engagement with the BSL community and stakeholders, this plan builds on past successes to further improve services and foster inclusivity. Guided by the priorities of the Scottish Government’s National Plan, we aim to integrate the needs of BSL users into every aspect of our organisations, ensuring accessibility, equality, and empowerment. Together, we strive to create a future where BSL users can thrive as active, informed, and valued members of our community.
Please note, whenever we refer to ‘BSL users’ we mean Deaf and /or Deafblind people (those who receive the language in tactile form due to sight loss) whose first or preferred language is British Sign Language (BSL).
BSL Version
Equality and Inclusion Annual Reports & Plans
The Equality and Inclusion strategy and annual reports are available on the Publications section of our site.
The service accepts client referrals from all Forth Valley healthcare professionals and associated partners. NHS Forth Valley managers can refer a staff member directly or discuss possible reasonable adjustments by emailing or calling 01324 590870. Any staff member wishing to make a self-referral can do so via the same process.
NHS Forth Valley Disability Equality & Access Service
Forth Valley Sensory Centre
Redbrae Road
NHS Forth Valley managers can refer a staff member directly or discuss possible reasonable adjustments by emailing as above or calling 01324 590870. Any staff member wishing to make a self-referral can do so via the same process.
Interpretation and Translation
Interpretation and translation services are in place for NHS Forth Valley staff and service users for all health related appointments. NHS Forth Valley Staff are responsible for making sure interpretation is booked by calling the Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service directly on 01324 590886. This service is available 24/7.
Please contact the team if you have any queries regards how to book interpretation or work with an interpreter and they will provide suitable information for your situation. You can also email to
All interpreters and translators are fully qualified to undertake this role and work to a code of conduct.
The interpretation and translation service is managed and operationally supported by NHS Forth Valley Equality, Inclusion and Wellbeing Service. Please contact us should you have any feedback or concerns relating to this provision. We aim to continuously improve the provision and your input is always valuable and appreciated.
For more information on the Sensory Centre, and the wide range of services on offer, please see the link provided.
Scotland’s British Sign Language Interpreting Video Relay Service (VRS) – enabling contact with all of Scotland’s public bodies and third sector organisations.
- Visit Contact Scotland
Health Scotland BSL
Health Scotland and NHS 24 have produced some great information in BSL to support bowel, breast and cervical screening , along with some info on childhood and seasonal flu immunisation programmes.
- Visit NHS Inform
Social Media
Please follow the Forth Valley Equality & Access Service on Facebook.