This toolkit will support you with any of our improvement courses: (Individual approach) Learning for Improvement, Teams based Approach (based on the Value Management approach) or Pathway Approach.
However, if you are not looking for a QI course this is still useful to refer to as and when you need to depending on what you are trying to achieve. There is no pressure to ‘know it all’. Just pick and choose the tools you wish to know about.
For more information on these courses or information on our Coaching clinics please email
How to use the toolkit
The toolkit is divided into seven sections that relate to your improvement journey.
- Project Planning & Management
- Creating the Conditions
- Understanding Your System
- Developing Aim & Change Theory
- Identifying Specific Change Ideas
- Implement & Sustain Where Tested
- Sharing Learning & Spreading
As you work through your improvement journey, you may want to revisit some of the sections and tools as you develop your aim and change ideas.
The toolkit will recommend resources based on whether you use an individual, a team or pathway approach. These are not exclusive and any of the tools can be, used to support your improvement journey depending on the subject matter. The other tools in this kit are worth considering depending on the type of project you are working on.
Select an approach below to learn more.
What is it?
A core set of QI tools and resources that follow the improvement journey and based on the model for improvement.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to develop their QI skills by applying them to a quality improvement project of their choice.
What is it?
A core set of QI tools with a focus on developing and embedding sustainable improvements in a team environment.
5 project aims include experience (staff/patient), cost, capacity, safety & quality.
Approach brings cost & quality to point of care.
Driven by weekly improvement huddles for the team.
Who is it for?
For any team across health and care who want to improve the value of services they provide.
Examples include a ward or unit, support service (clinical or non-clinical) that deliver a specific function.
What is it?
A core set of QI tools that focus on the experiences of people who move along a condition-based pathway.
By understanding the demand and capacity, and delay reasons in a person’s journey, improvements can be, made to improve their experience aiming to provide the right level of care at the right time and in the right place with no, unnecessary waiting.
Fortnightly pathway improvement meetings bring together all multidisciplinary representation involved in care pathway.
Who is it for?
For multidisciplinary staff involved in specific care pathways who want to improve experiences and outcomes.
These typically span multiple services & organisations from home, social care, primary care & acute.
Typical examples include colorectal, urology, and frailty pathways.
Tool selector will recommend the right tools for your project. The other tools in this kit may also be helpful depending on the type of project you are working on so worth considering during your improvement journey.