Build will & conditions for change
Building the will and creating the conditions for change is necessary to consider at the start of your improvement journey and will require continual attention and effort throughout your improvement work.
Topics include:
- Creating a climate for change
- Facilitating improvement teams
- Engaging and empowering the whole organisation
Creating a climate for change – 3 things to consider:
- Increase urgency
- Build a guiding team
- Get the vision right
Team readiness assessment tool – Helps you to understand strengths and gaps in your organisation and teams to support your change efforts and to ensure success.
Working together
Helpful resources and tools to build understanding of human factors that influence quality.
Kahlers five drivers – questionnaire – A tool designed to help teams understand individuals’ behaviour and build relationships more effectively.
Lencioni’s 5 dysfunctions of a team – outlines the root causes of dysfunction that can exist within teams and the keys to overcoming them.
Mind tools – collection of resources to support effective and inspirational leadership.
Liberating structures – offers an alternative way to approach and design how people work together.