Implementation should, be carried out by using PDSA methods. You should not expect to see failures when moving to implementation with implementation cycles usually requiring more time than testing cycles.
Support Structures
Standardising or creating more, formal processes should be considered to support implementation and sustainability of the changes you have tested. This is one of the key ways of reducing variation in the system and ensuring staff have relevant information to support decision making.
Standard Operating Procedure – a standard operating procedure (SOP) is a step, by step document created to help staff carry out routine tasks. They help achieve efficiency, quality outputs and uniformity, while reducing the chance of mistakes.
Ongoing measurement (Quality Assurance)
Ongoing and visible measurement of the process is a useful approach to ensure that the changes are being, carried out consistently. Information and learning can be, gleaned from measurement during and after implementation.
Some measures used in testing may be, used to support implementation and beyond to demonstrate sustained improvement. Decide which measures you want to review, how regularly and who else may need this information.
What new measures are needed to support implementation? If you have updated and created training, you may want to measure the % of staff who have completed the training.