Procurement Team
The Procurement Team provide a comprehensive procurement service for all NHS functions across Forth Valley. This role includes strategic planning and advice to improve effectiveness and value for money on supplies expenditure.
The Procurement team deals with NHS Forth Valley specific contracts. For more generic products used in common with other parts of the NHS, NHS Forth Valley collaborates with the rest of the NHS in Scotland and buys from contracts awarded by NHS Scotland National Procurement. The Team is also at the forefront of developing benefits from sharing resources and economies of scale with other Boards as part of a regional consortium.
Procurement Policy
NHS Forth Valley buys goods and services by competition and in compliance with government policy and the relevant legislation. The procurement process complies with the NHS Forth Valley’s Standing Financial Instructions and the Public Procurement Regulations. The Service seeks to achieve best value for the items that most closely meet its requirements. Contract award decisions are based on the assessment of a range of evaluation criteria specific to the goods or services being purchased.
NHS Forth Valley advertises contract opportunities above and below the EU thresholds on the Public Contracts Scotland Portal.
NHS Forth Valley uses the eProcurement Scotland system (PECOS). The system has improved efficiency in the ordering process through the use of electronic catalogues and a paperless order process.
NHS Forth Valley has implemented the eProcurement Scotland eTendering system (eSourcing Scotland), for use in making pre-qualification questionnaires and tenders available to suppliers.
Sustainability Policy
NHS Forth Valley has a Sustainable Procurement Policy and an action plan for improving its environmental, social and economic impacts.
Procurement Annual Report
NHS Forth Valley Procurement will publish an annual report in April each year which will provide a summary of regulated procurements completed during the year including any community benefits generated as a result of these procurements. The report will also outline anticipated major procurement activities in the next two years. There is a summary of procurements with supported businesses during the year of the report.
Anti Bribery Statement
NHS Forth Valley conducts its contracting and procurement practices with integrity, transparency and fairness.
We are committed to the prevention of bribery and corruption as we recognise the importance of maintaining our reputation and the confidence of our stakeholders, particularly patients, the general public, those with whom we conduct business, and our employees. We do not accept bribery and corruption in the conduct of our activities and functions, either within the organisation or in our relationships with any external parties. We will not work with others who do not share our commitment to preventing bribery and corruption.
As an existing or potential contractor to NHS Forth Valley we require you to understand that it may be a criminal offence under the Bribery Act 2010, punishable by imprisonment, to promise, give or offer any gift, consideration, financial or other advantage whatsoever as an inducement or reward to any servant of a public body and that such action may result in the Board excluding the organisation from the selected list of Potential Bidders, and potentially from all future public procurements.
NHS Forth Valley will only trade with suppliers who have passed a Quality impact assessment to ensure that their business is run without any prejudice and treat their employees fairly and without discrimination.
Contact NHS Forth Valley Procurement
In the first instance please contact NHS Forth Valley Procurement by email