Speech and language therapy operates an open referral system. This means that parents, carers, young people or any professional can request assistance where there is a concern about a child or young person’s wellbeing as a result of speech, language, communication or eating and drinking difficulties.
All requests for assistance must have parental or carer consent for children under 16 years of age. Young people 16 years and over must give consent themselves.
All requests are considered to identify what is mostly likely to help at this point in time and responses may include
- Advice
- Reassurance
- Signposting to a more relevant source of help
- Assessment
To enable therapists to make appropriate clinic al decisions and decide what the next steps may be, the individual making the request should answer the following questions:
- What are the main concerns about the child/young person at the moment?
- How is this affecting the child/young person at the moment?
- Is anyone else concerned, including extended family, friends or education staff?
- Is the child/young person receiving any additional support, including any other services in involved at the moment or in the past?
- What things have already been tried to help the child/young person manage better?
- What has been beneficial?
- What are your expectations from speech and language therapy?
Anyone can make a request for assistance by completing the Request for Assistance Form, so long as parental consent is provided (or consent of the young person if over 16).
We recommend calling our helpline to have a chat before you make a request.
This can be returned to the postal addresses on the form or by email to fv.childrens-slt-requests@nhs.scot.