Diabetes Risk

Weight Management

    Please only complete this form if someone from the team as asked you to do so.

    Please also only complete this form if you do not have a diagnosis of Pre-Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes or any other type of Diabetes.

    Each answer has a number next to it. Add up the number next to each of your answers to get your total score.

    1. How old are you?

    2. Are you female or male?

    3. What is your ethnic background?

    4. Do you have a parent, sibling or child who has Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes?

    5. What is your waist size?

    6. What is your Body Mass Index (BMI)? Use the NHS BMI calculator if you do not know.

    7. Has your doctor given you medicine for or told you that you have high blood pressure?

    For information about how NHS Forth Valley handles personal data, visit our Privacy Notice.

    In an Emergency, call 999. For health advice, call NHS24 on 111 or visit NHS Inform.
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