The Weight Loss Readiness Test

Weight Management

    Please only complete this form if someone from the team as asked you to do so.

    Answer the questions below to see how well your attitudes and current behaviours equip you for a weight loss program.

    For each question, choose the number that best describes how you feel. Once you complete each category, add the numbers of your answers and fill in the total score.

    Category 1: Motivation

    1. Compared to previous attempts, how motivated are you to lose weight this time?

    2. Compared to previous attempts, how motivated are you to change your eating habits this time?

    3. Compared to previous attempts, how motivated are you to increase your physical activity this time?

    4. How motivated are you to stay committed to a weight loss program for the time it will take to reach your weight loss goal?

    5. How motivated are you to try new strategies/techniques for changing your eating, exercise, and other behaviours?

    Category 2: Expectations

    6. Think honestly about how much weight you hope to lose and how quickly you hope to lose it. Figuring a weight loss of one to two pounds per week, how realistic is your expectation?

    7. How satisfied would you be if you achieved 10% weight loss (1-2 stones)?

    8. If you achieved a 10% weight loss around (1-2 stones) that significantly improved your health, how satisfied would you be?

    9. If you achieved a 10% weight loss around (1-2 stones) that significantly improved your quality of life, how satisfied would you be?

    Category 3: Confidence

    When answering questions 10 to 17, consider all outside factors at this time in your life (the stress you’re feeling at work and/or home, your obligations, etc.)

    10. People who want to achieve long-term weight control need to spend time every day trying to change their eating, exercise, and thinking habits. You probably know the time and commitment necessary for you to be successful. How confident are you that you can devote this amount of effort, both now and over the next few months?

    11. How confident are you that you will be able to attend program meetings regularly or follow your own program regularly?

    12. How confident are you that you will be able to record everything you eat and drink, and your exercise, most days of the week?

    13. How confident are you that you will be able to change your eating habits?

    14. How confident are you that you will be able to work regular physical activity into your daily schedule?

    15. How confident are you that you will be able to exercise at least five days per week, most weeks?

    16. How confident are you that you will be able to maintain your healthy eating habits for one year or longer?

    17. How confident are you that you will be able to continue exercising regularly (at least five days per week) for one year or longer?

    Category 4: Hunger and Eating Cues

    18. When food comes up in conversation or in something you read, do you want to eat even if you are not hungry?

    19. How often do you eat because of physical hunger?

    20. Do you have trouble controlling your eating when your favourite foods are around the house?

    Category 5: Binge Eating & Purging

    21. Aside from holiday feasts, (e.g. Christmas, Easter) have you ever eaten a large amount of food rapidly and felt afterward that this eating incident was excessive and out of control?

    22. If you answered yes to question 21 above, how often have you engaged in this behaviour during the last year?

    23. Have you ever purged (used laxatives, diuretics, or induced vomiting) to control your weight?

    24. If you answered yes to question 23, how often have you engaged in this behaviour during the last year?

    Category 6: Emotional Eating

    25. Do you eat more than you would like to when you have negative feelings; such as anxiety, depression, anger, or loneliness?

    26. Do you have trouble controlling your eating when you have positive feelings – do you celebrate feeling good by eating?

    27. When you have unpleasant interactions with others in your life, or after a difficult day at work, do you eat more than you would like?

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