If you require a wheelchair you can be referred to the wheelchair service by your GP, District Nurse or any Allied Health Professional.
We can also provide children’s wheelchairs and buggies for children with long-term mobility issues.
Contact Details
Most of Forth Valley is covered by WESTMARC who can be contacted on 0844 811 3001.
Some areas to the north, including Dunblane, Doune, Callander, Strathyre, Killin, Crianlarich, Tynedrum, Thornhill, Port of Menteith and Aberfoyle, are covered by the Wheelchair Service at the TORT Centre (Tayside Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Centre) in Dundee. 01382 496299 or 01324 496300.
Short Term Use
If you require a wheelchair for a short term loan only, for example from a condition that will improve such as a broken bone, you may contact:
Shop Mobility
Falkirk – 01324 630500
Stirling – 01786 449606
There is charge of £3 a day.