Help shape the future of health and social services in Falkirk
A wide ranging consultation on how health and social care services are delivered locally is underway across the Falkirk Council area.
The consultation is asking local residents, community groups and voluntary organisations about how they want to see these important services delivered and what their priorities are in the coming years.
A draft strategic plan has been developed that provides an outline for how services will come together and your views are needed by the local partnership that has been created between Falkirk Council and NHS Forth Valley.
Councillor Allyson Black, Chair of the Joint Integration Board for the new Falkirk Health and Social Care Partnership said: “The way that health and social care is being provided is changing to meet current and future demands.
“People within the Falkirk area are living longer and healthier lives. Many people over 60 are very active, including volunteering within their community and caring for relatives.”
The consultation will seek views on areas such as: what’s important to you about health and social care services; and are the priorities right for the local population.
A final version of the plan will be published by April 2016 which will then be taken forward over the following three years.
Councillor Allyson Black added: “The draft strategic plan has been informed by an assessment of the main challenges faced within the Falkirk Council area which includes an increasing ageing population, complex care and emergency hospital admissions.
“By giving us your views at this stage we are in a far better position to help deliver these important services in the coming years.”
The consultation will run from 16th November 2015 until 31 December 2015
Contact Julie Paterson, Communications Unit 01324 506064,, @falkirkcouncil