Inspection Report on Forth Valley Royal Hospital Highlights Significant Improvements

Health Improvement Scotland published their latest Safe Delivery of Care report on 25th April following an inspection at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in January 2024.

Despite the range of capacity pressures being experienced at this time, inspectors found the areas they visited calm and well led with hospital teams working together to provide compassionate care.

Inspectors observed an open and supportive culture where senior hospital managers were visible and accessible to staff who felt able to raise any concerns.

Significant improvements were also highlighted in the Emergency Department, acute and clinical assessment units which were described as calm, organised and well led. Patients and relatives were complimentary about their care and the staff providing it. Patient feedback was also being used to support learning, changes and improvements within these areas.

Prof Frances Dodd, NHS Forth Valley’s Executive Nurse Director, said: “We are pleased that the inspectors saw evidence of the significant progress made to address the issues and concerns highlighted during previous inspection visits.

“Many of the requirements outlined in the report have already been addressed and we will ensure all are fully implemented. We also recognise that there is still more to do to maintain and build on the good work already underway to further improve the experience of local patients and staff.”

You can read a full copy of the report on the HIS website.