New Arrangements for Accessing Dental Advice & Treatment

New arrangements have been put in place to ensure people across Forth Valley have access to urgent dental advice and treatment. Routine dental services across Scotland have been temporary suspended as part of a national drive to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, protect patients and ensure the safety of dental staff.

People in Forth Valley who are registered with a dental practice and feel they have an urgent dental need, in normal working hours, should phone their practice for advice. Staff will be able to provide advice, reassurance or carry out a telephone assessment.

Following assessment by the dental practice, anyone who requires urgent dental treatment will be contacted and, if necessary, given an appointment to be seen at one of a number of urgent dental care centres in Forth Valley. People with symptoms of COVID-19 will be seen at a designated COVID-19 urgent dental care centre.

Anyone who is not registered with a dentist should phone 01324 614 670 for dental advice during normal working hours. Out-with normal working hours, anyone who requires advice for an urgent dental issue should contact NHS24 on 111 whether they are registered with a dentist or not.

The Orthodontic Department at Forth Valley Royal Hospital has also suspended all non-urgent appointments and advice for anyone with a brace fitted who experiences a problem is available on the COVID-19 section of the NHS Forth Valley website.

Jennifer Rodgers, Director of Dentistry, NHS Forth Valley, said: “We have put these arrangements in place to ensure that people who require urgent dental treatment can access the advice and support they require.

“I’d also like to thank dental practice staff across Forth Valley for helping to put these arrangements in place so quickly. Many staff from local dental practices, including dental nurses, have also volunteered to work with us and are now supporting the delivery of a range of services including the COVID-19 testing service for local healthcare staff.”

The latest health advice and information on coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found on