New Location for Dementia Outreach Team

A rapid response team established by NHS Forth Valley to support care at home for patients with dementia, and their carers, has moved to a new base in Airth Health Centre. Staffed by four specialist nurses, two community care assistants, social work staff, who will be joined soon by Alzheimer link workers, it will try to head off ‘crisis situations’ and prevent unnecessary hospital admission.

Around 4,700 people in Forth Valley are estimated to have a dementia. The illness may cause stress and distress for patients, family and carers. The Dementia Outreach Team (DOT) is available for people with a diagnosis of a dementia and may be accessed through their GP.

The Team say they hope to respond within two working days after the initial contact. The outreach nurses will carry out a comprehensive assessment and provide advice, practical assistance and support to patients, family members and carers.

NHS Forth Valley Charge Nurse for Dementia, Frank Carlin, explained: “The Team takes a holistic and proactive approach where they are able to work with local families to avoid what could become a crisis situation and, wherever possible, prevent the patient having to be admitted to hospital.”

The Dementia Outreach Team is able to offer intensive support for an initial 6 week period and after that the care and support will be reviewed. Staff from the Outreach will also work closely with other local support services including social work and the local Enhanced Community Teams across Forth Valley.