New Online Therapy Support Available for the Lockdown and Beyond
People in Forth Valley now have access to a much wider range of online self-help packages for coping with Covid-19, depression, anxiety, and the emotional impact of some physical health problems. The new suite of packages from Silver Cloud will mean easier access to computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) from your computer, tablet or mobile phone.
The packages target Covid-19 stress, depression, social anxiety, health anxiety, and the emotional impact of conditions such as heart disease, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and lung conditions. During online sessions people can watch video clips, complete exercises and learn CBT techniques that can help with depression and anxiety. They will be given tasks to complete between sessions and can opt in to receive helpful hints and tips by text. The packages are designed to build up knowledge and coping skills.
Anyone who wants to be referred to the programme should contact their local GP practice.
Individuals taking part then create their own user name and password so no-one can access any of their details and all data is stored in an encrypted database. They are also given a contact for NHS Forth Valley’s Psychology Services support team who can arrange for additional modules can be added, if required.

During online sessions people can watch video clips, complete exercises and learn CBT techniques that can help with depression and anxiety.
Dr Sally Rankine, NHS Forth Valley’s Head of Adult Mental Health Psychology, said: “These packages arrive at a time when they are especially needed, with the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown adding to emotional strain for many people. But they will continue to be helpful to a wide range of people even when the current situation improves.”
Dr Susie Porteous, NHS Forth Valley’s Head of Clinical Health Psychology, added: “People with long term physical health problems such as chronic pain and diabetes can experience anxiety and low mood and the packages are designed to help people manage the psychological aspects of living with these long term conditions.”
NHS Forth Valley was the first health board in Scotland to offer Beating the Blues, an online self help programme for depression. Like Beating the Blues, the Silver Cloud packages can be completed at home on any device including PC, laptop, mobile phone and tablet or in a community setting with access to computers such as a library.