Quick on the draw! That’s artist Sally Booth who’s been working behind the scenes at Forth Valley Royal Hospital to capture images that the public wouldn’t normally see. She’s been sketching people at work, making pen and ink drawings of… read more →
Proposals to create an innovative new care village for older people on the grounds of Stirling Community hospital have moved a step forward following the development of initial plans. The Outline Business Case (OBC) highlights plans for a new integrated… read more →
Patients and clinical staff across Forth Valley will be involved in a major new dementia research project in partnership with the University of Stirling. The University will co-ordinate one of four work packages in a new 5-year research programme, led… read more →
Police Scotland’s Forth Valley Division and key partners have launched a campaign aimed at reducing the impact and harm caused by alcohol fuelled antisocial behaviour, disorder and violence on communities across the region. The main theme of the campaign will… read more →
Young adults with learning disabilities are being helped to explore relationship issues, thanks to the work of NHS Forth Valley health promotion staff and Central Sexual Health. Led by NHS Forth Valley Senior Health Promotion Officer Pamela Vannan, Community Sexual… read more →
Award winning projects to improve the safety of women and their new born babies were showcased at today’s annual review of NHS Forth Valley’s performance. Before chairing the public meeting, Health Secretary Alex Neil toured the Women and Children’s unit… read more →
A US-inspired scheme which provides support for teenage mothers in Scotland is to be introduced in NHS Forth Valley. The Family Nurse Partnership aims to help first-time parents aged 19 and under give their babies a “healthier start to life”.… read more →
NHS Forth Valley has joined an innovative bra recycling scheme to help raise funds to fight breast cancer. The scheme, which is run by the national charity Against Breast Cancer, provides eye-catching pink bra banks in a number of locations… read more →
People in Falkirk are being encouraged to be prepared for winter as a major NHSScotland campaign rolls into town. With Christmas only a few weeks away, NHSScotland’s Be Ready for Winter campaign is visiting the Howgate Centre between 9am and… read more →
Winning designs including sculptures, tapestries and paintings submitted by local students are now on display at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, as part of World Aids Day 2013. To mark the 25th Anniversary of World AIDS Day NHS Forth Valley’s Sexual… read more →