NHS Forth Valley today backed a new campaign highlighting what the forthcoming change in organ and tissue donation law means for people – and their choices. From 26 March, Scotland will move to an opt out system of organ and… read more →
NHS Forth Valley and Police Scotland have joined forces in a scheme to help trace vulnerable missing patients, including those with dementia. The Herbert Protocol is a well-established initiative already used elsewhere in Scotland and the wider UK. It originated… read more →
Due to high demand, the temporary Covid-19 testing unit in Denny has been extended and will now offer tests on Thursday 21 January and Friday 22 January 2021. Appointments for Thursday can only be booked after 6pm on Wednesday 20th… read more →
Covid-19 vaccinations for the 80-plus age group are set to begin in Forth Valley on Monday 11th January 2021. The vaccines, which will be delivered from a number of local GP practices and community venues, builds on the programme already… read more →
A temporary mobile COVID-19 testing centre will open in Bo’ness for at least three days starting from Thursday 7th January. Its deployment is in response to an increased number of positive tests for COVID-19 in the Bo’ness area. The test… read more →
A four college collaboration involving Forth Valley College has received a support boost from NHS Forth Valley, who have offered a guaranteed interview to anyone who graduates from a new fast track course. The six month format of HNC Care… read more →
Young teens living in Forth Valley are being urged to join the fight against COVID-19 by downloading the Protect Scotland app. The free app is now available to those aged 12-15, and parents are being asked to encourage their child… read more →
Changes to the way people access A&E services have been introduced in NHS Forth Valley as part of new national arrangements to help people get the right care in the right place. This new approach will make it easier for… read more →
NHS Forth Valley is gearing up to cope with extra demands over the festive season. Winter is always a very busy time for the NHS and, this year, health services across the country face additional challenges due to the ongoing… read more →
A call has gone out for people in Forth Valley whose lives have been affected by organ donation or who have joined the organ donation register, to provide their signatures for a new memorial to be displayed at Forth Valley… read more →