Due to the ongoing adverse weather conditions across the area, all hospital outpatient appointments and non-emergency operations on Friday 2 March 2018 will be postponed APART from oncology and renal dialysis clinics and a small number of more urgent appointments… read more →
Due to the red weather warning which has been issued for the area, all non-urgent outpatient appointments on Thursday 1 March 2018 will be postponed APART from the following six clinics at Forth Valley Royal Hospital which we plan to… read more →
Three GPs at Kersiebank Medical Practice in Grangemouth have recently left the Practice and three other GPs have confirmed that they plan to leave over the next few months to take up new posts and partnerships, including a number in… read more →
Children at a Forth Valley primary school have substantially increased their language skills, thanks to working closely with speech and language therapists from NHS Forth Valley. Figures show that on average children made 28 months progress in their spoken language… read more →
A new state-of-the-art MRI scanner has been delivered to Forth Valley Royal Hospital. The one million pound specialist scanner was carefully craned into position outside the hospital before being wheeled along a corridor into its new home within the hospital’s… read more →
Patients with high blood pressure in a number of GP practices across Forth Valley will soon be able to get their blood pressure checked without leaving the comfort of their home. Under a new scheme they will receive a text… read more →
NHS Scotland has launched a campaign to increase the number of consultant grade radiologists in post by 10%. Nine Health Boards, including NHS Forth Valley, are teaming up to fill 32 vacancies through targeted advertising across the globe. Health Boards… read more →
A pioneering outdoor activity scheme involving childminders and pre-fives, which could help prevent obesity and ill-health in later life, has earned childminders in the Stirling area a Natural Health Award. The pilot health improvement project is believed to be the… read more →
A new deal for carers, which comes into force in April 2018, will be one of the topics discussed at a public engagement meeting on Wednesday 21st February 2018 in Lecture Theatre, Stirling Community Hospital, Livilands Gate, Stirling. Organised by… read more →
Home fire and safety visits have begun in Clackmannanshire for people with mental health difficulties. The pilot project, a joint initiative between NHS Forth Valley and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, is designed to reduce accidental house fires and… read more →