As the New Year approaches, many people start thinking of what resolutions they will set themselves for the next year. Popular ones are: Stop Smoking or drinking alcohol. Stop eating chocolate. Join a gym, get fit. Let us all try… read more →
Local organisations, community group, volunteers and charities are being thanked for taking the time to bring a bit of festive cheer to patients, staff and visitors across NHS Forth Valley. Over the last few weeks patients and staff have been… read more →
Nine S3 and S4 pupils from Clackmannanshire High Schools celebrated their successful completion of the Play Mentor programme. The young women studied child development and play one day a week at Forth Valley College as well as completing work placements in local… read more →
Local people in the Doune area will be given an opportunity to hear more about plans to build a new health centre in Doune at a public meeting on 6th January 2016. This will include initial images which provide a… read more →
The Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Sport today announced the appointment of Joanne Chisholm as a Member of the Forth Valley NHS Board. Joanne Chisholm is a highly experienced and passionate HR & Organisational Development professional who has held… read more →
NHS Forth Valley has been named as one of the top places to be in the UK for trainee doctors. This comes following the results of a national trainee survey conducted by the General Medical Council (GMC). The survey is… read more →
Ex-servicemen and women who would like to re-focus their skills and try their hand at sculpting, are being recruited to make works of art for healthcare settings across Forth Valley. In what’s known as the Workshop Project, they are being… read more →
NHS Forth Valley is gearing up to cope with extra demands over the festive season and is urging the public to make use of local GP, pharmacy and minor injuries services to avoid putting extra pressure on the Emergency Department… read more →
NHS Forth Valley’s Audiology and Volunteer Service has won the 2015 British Academy of Audiology’s (BAA) Team of the Year Award. The award was presented to Audiology Services Manager, Jennifer Pow at the recent BAA 12th Annual Conference in Harrogate… read more →
Did you know that stopping smoking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health and well-being? This year Forth Valley’s Stop Smoking Service is asking individuals who wish to stop smoking to pledge to quit… read more →