Update on Aberfoyle Flooding – Additional Health protection advice for homes & gardens

Following the recent flooding and oil leak in the village, our health protection team has provided the following advice for any homes or gardens affected.

In your home:

  • Please do not attempt to decontaminate your home yourself – please seek professional services to do this to prevent any risk of inhalation or contact with oils.
  • The smell from the oil will remain for longer in unventilated locations and if possible and safe to do so, please ventilate the location.
    If you are concerned about your electrical wiring, or structural changes to your property, please seek advice of qualified tradespeople.

Do liaise as quickly as possible with your insurance company and/or landlord if appropriate.

In your garden:

  • Please do not go in your garden until this has been assessed and avoid areas of standing water both in your garden and in the wider village as there may be contamination, which may require professional treatment.
  • We recommend contacting your insurance company and/or landlord if appropriate as quickly as possible once the floods have subsided.
    If you have any concerns or questions regarding this advice please contact NHS Forth Valley’s Health Protection teams on 01786 457 283.