Why might you be interested in medical research?
Medicine has advanced a great deal over the years and can now save, prolong and improve lives in ways that were impossible only a few years ago. However the only way medicine and healthcare can continue to improve is if we keep coming up with new ideas and keep testing them to see which are better than the current treatment.
More knowledge is required in all areas of healthcare in order to gain a clearer understanding of disease and how it is managed. We need to conduct research to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of treatments which in turn will lead to improved prevention, earlier and better diagnosis; as well as more effective standards of treatment.
Most people are aware that they could take part in research by being participants in a study. But when we talk about “public involvement” we mean getting actively involved in the research process itself rather than being the participants or subjects of the research. There are many ways that members of the public can help ensure that the research we do in NHS Forth Valley is useful, valuable and relevant, for example:
- help to identify and prioritise research topics
being part of research advisory groups and steering groups
undertaking research projects
- reporting and communicating research findings.
A leaflet offering more information on how the public can become involved in research within NHS Forth Valley is available and if you contact us we will be happy to send one to you.