Flu Vaccination Programme Underway

With more than 130,000 people across Forth Valley being eligible for a flu vaccine this year our flu helpline has been very busy and we are sorry if you have experienced any difficulties getting through.

To help address this we have increased the number of phone lines and staff available to answer calls. We have also extended the hours of operation and the helpline is now open from 8.00am – 8.00pm Monday and Friday and 8.00am – 4.30pm at weekends.

Please remember you don’t need to phone if you have a query or want to change your appointment as you can send an email with your name, date of birth and telephone number and a member of the flu immunisation team will get back to you. Appointment queries should be emailed to  fv.fvadultflu-appointments@nhs.scot and other flu-related enquiries can be sent to fv.fvadultflu-enquiries@nhs.scot.

Appointment letters are being sent in batches as part of a rolling programme so not everyone will receive an invite at the same time. However everyone in the higher risk groups will be offered appointments in the first phase during October and November.