NHS Forth Valley’s Estates Services Team, based at Stirling Community Hospital, have been recognised for the excellent training they have provided to local unemployed young people. The team, led by Conrad Binnie, were nominated for the Training Provider of the… read more →
You couldn’t get much friendlier than this – two bouncing babies sharing in celebrations at the Women and Children’s Unit at Forth Valley Royal Hospital, to mark the Unit’s success in achieving a prestigious Baby Friendly Award from UNICEF (United… read more →
Over 50 NHS Forth Valley staff were presented with certificates from the University of Stirling on 30th October 2012, during a special ceremony held at Forth Valley Royal Hospital. The staff were commended for the work they have done to… read more →
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Mr Ian Ritchie has been inaugurated as the new President of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh at the College’s Annual General Meeting. He was appointed Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon at Forth Valley Hospital… read more →
Staff and residents on the Bellsdyke site would like to thank nursing assistants Alec Watson and Alec Wright for all their hard work to create a new gym. The two nursing assistants applied for lottery funding to introduce a new… read more →
NHS Forth Valley was involved in a Barnardos initiative to promote the involvement of children and young people in policy and service development.
NHS Forth Valley successfully graduated from the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Management Programme, underlining our commitment to becoming more energy efficient. We were among 40 public and private sector organisations in Scotland recognised by John Swinney, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment… read more →
NHS Forth Valley Staff and local people from across Forth Valley joined the Falkirk Herald team to take part in the Edinburgh MoonWalk on 9th June 2012. There were a few tears and blisters along the (very long) way but… read more →
Forth Valley had an excellent result at the NHS Scotland e-health awards which took place in Glasgow on 20th September 2012. The pharmacy team won the ” Best NHS Scotland use of innovative IT for patient care” for a project which involves… read more →
NHS Forth Valley Senior Staff Nurse Kevin McCloskey (right) and former NHS Forth Valley Resuscitation Officer in Forth Valley, Graeme Ramage, are officially “wee gems”. They’ve been awarded The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for their volunteering work which helps save… read more →