Cancer survivors and those living with the disease are being invited to attend a Health and Wellbeing Event organised by NHS Forth Valley and Macmillan Cancer Support. The session – which will be held on Thursday 22 November 2018 between… read more →
Local people in Clackmannanshire are being invited to meet NHS Forth Valley’s Chief Executive, Cathie Cowan, to hear about the vision for local health and care services and provide feedback on what matters most to them. She will be… read more →
Work is now underway to construct a new health centre for Doune following the signing of the official contract. A ceremonial sod-cutting took place on 23rd October 2018 to mark the occasion and the £2.7 million development is expected to… read more →
People eligible for the flu vaccine are being urged to get protected ahead of winter as the flu vaccination programme gets underway in GP Practices and primary schools across Forth Valley. This year’s vaccine offers protection against four strains for… read more →
A new hi-tech ‘Mobile Skills Unit’ (MSU) will provide high quality clinical training for practitioners in Scotland’s remote and rural areas. Launched today at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert by Cabinet Secretary for Health Jeane Freeman, the £265,000 vehicle… read more →
An NHS Forth Valley Dietitian has been selected as a Diabetes UK Clinical Champions to help transform care for people living with diabetes in Scotland. Jennifer Hynes, who leads Structured Education for people living with Type 2 Diabetes in NHS… read more →
A pioneering outdoor activity scheme involving childminders and pre-fives, which could help prevent obesity and ill-health in later life, has earned childminders in the Stirling area a Natural Health Award. The pilot health improvement project is believed to be the… read more →
Plans for the development of a larger, purpose-built health centre in Doune moved a step forward following the approval of outline plans. The Outline Business Case (OBC) for the new £2.6m facility in Doune has been formally approved by the… read more →
A Chief Officer has been appointed to take forward the development of the new Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership – a joint partnership between NHS Forth Valley, Clackmannanshire and Stirling Councils. Shiona Strachan, who is currently the… read more →
People in Clackmannanshire are being invited to hear how NHS Forth Valley is putting patients first. The programme is part of a Scottish Government initiative, known as ‘person-centredness’ which aims to give patients the best care and treatment, geared to… read more →