NHS Forth Valley is preparing for its toughest winter yet as health and social care services across the area continue to face very high levels of demand. As it heads into the festive period local people are being asked to… read more →
People across Forth Valley are being encouraged to plan ahead to help stay healthy over the festive period. The national ’Healthy Know How’ campaign encourages people to prepare for winter, provides tips on how to safely manage common winter illnesses… read more →
A number of GP Practice and Community Hospitals buildings across Forth Valley are set for a green boost as part of wider plans to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and support the delivery of the Board’s net-zero targets. Almost… read more →
A new specialist heart clinic is being piloted at Forth Valley Royal Hospital in a bid to improve treatment of a cardiac condition which mainly affects women. The clinic aims to improve treatment for patients with a condition called Spontaneous… read more →
The Annual Review of NHS Forth Valley’s performance for 2022/23 took place yesterday (20th November 2023) at the Board’s headquarters in Stirling. The event was hosted by the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, Michael Matheson MSP,… read more →
Efforts are intensifying to free up capacity across local health and care services ahead of the challenging winter period. During this time there will be intensive and coordinated efforts to support more people living at home or in local care… read more →
Two healthcare teams in NHS Forth Valley have received national awards in recognition of the outstanding care and support they provide to local patients and families across Forth Valley. Ward 4 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital was named the winner… read more →
New group sessions have been introduced to support local people with diabetes across the Forth Valley area who require insulin or GLP1 injections. The sessions are being delivered in a new Diabetes Care Hub at Falkirk Community Hospital which has… read more →
People across Forth Valley will have the opportunity to find out more about local health developments and ask members of NHS Forth Valley Board questions at the Health Board’s Annual Review meeting on Monday 20th November 2023. The Public Session,… read more →
A new Cancer Research UK-funded scheme which aims to reduce cancer diagnosis waiting times has launched in NHS Forth Valley. The initiative, part of a new programme called Test, Evidence, Transition (TET), hopes to enable patients to access treatment more… read more →