Health professionals at NHS Forth Valley are appealing to the public to donate unused or unwanted Apple iPod shuffle devices to help with a new project Music with Meaning. The new project is a collaborative piece of work being undertaken… read more →
Patients in Ward 2 at Bo’ness Hospital can now take a step back in time, thanks to the work of volunteers from Denny and Bonnybridge Men’s Shed. They’ve converted a summer house at the bottom of the hospital garden into… read more →
Training courses in mental health first aid have been delivered by NHS Forth Valley in six secondary schools in the Falkirk area, with pupils reporting increased skills and confidence in recognising mental health problems. The programme involved senior youngsters from… read more →
A two year study carried out at two GP practices in Forth Valley, where physiotherapists are a first line of contact for musculoskeletal conditions rather than a GP, has declared the service a success and revealed a significant drop in… read more →
Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Larbert has received an additional 5 new pulse oximetry machines, thanks to the generous support of Tiny Tickers, a charity that aims to give a better start to tiny hearts. These simple monitors, that can… read more →
A pioneering diabetes trial in Forth Valley has been highlighted a success by Diabetes UK. The DiRECT study – a trial funded by Diabetes UK and led by experts at Glasgow and Newcastle Universities, sees local dietitians help people with… read more →
The use of technology is delivering quicker treatment for NHS Forth Valley patients who present with eye problems following an injury or accident. It involves using a bespoke combination of a slit lamp aligned with a tablet computer which enables… read more →
The green credentials surrounding the development of Forth Valley Royal Hospital have been recognised by a national organisation dedicated to making places good for both people and wildlife. Building with Nature the UK’s first benchmark for green infrastructure, has selected… read more →
NHS Forth Valley Consultant Haematologist, Dr Roddy Neilson has been appointed a Queen’s Honorary Physician (QHP) by the Army. He’s believed to be the first haematologist to be appointed to this role. His appointment is in recognition of his work… read more →
Forth Valley Police Division has donated £3,000 from their Community Partnership Fund to the Meadows to help purchase toys and equipment for the children’s area. The Meadows, which is located in one of the Bungalows off Stirling Road in Larbert,… read more →