National Autistic Society (NAS) – The National Autistic Society is the UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families. They provide support, guidance and advice.
Scottish Autism – Scottish Autism is an organisation dedicated to enabling autistic people to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. They offer a wide range of events to support autistic people, their families, carers and professionals.
Ambitious about Autism – Ambitious about Autism is a UK national charity which aims to improve opportunities for young people on the autism spectrum. They offer varying resources, information and training for young people and families.
SWAN– SWAN is an autistic-led Charity delivering services, information and support both for and by autistic women and non-binary people across Scotland.
Central Advocacy – Central Advocacy Partners provides support to people with learning disabilities and vulnerable groups across Forth Valley. They provide a diverse range of services such as advocacy support for young people and parents with learning disabilities; social inclusion projects; living a life courses; accessible information services; person centred planning services; bespoke advocacy services; graphics facilitation services; service user feedback workshops.
Enquire – Enquire is the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning. Providing easy to understand advice and information about additional support for learning legislation and guidance for families and professionals.
Different Minds – A website created by The Scottish Government written in partnership with autistic people.
Autism Central – For parents and carers of autistic children, young people and adults.
NHS – University Hospitals of Derby and Burton
Autistica – Autistic is the UK’s leading autism research and campaigning charity.
NHS England – NHS England has varying resources and links to websites.
Social Stories – National Autistic Society (NAS) – Social stories and comic strip conversations can be helpful for autistic people to develop greater social understanding and help them stay safe.
Contact Scotland – Contact Scotland offers support, advice and information to families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability. We support families by running workshops, events and drop-in services, and by providing local information and resources.
EPIC Resources
The Edinburgh Psychoeducation Intervention for Children and Young People (EPIC) takes an individualised ‘toolkit’ approach to child development. Their booklets contain information and strategies that apply to all children but are particularly relevant to children with ADHD, ASD, DCD/dyspraxia and those born prematurely.
The EPIC Strategy booklet: A guide for parents of neurodivergent children
The EPIC Strategy booklet: A guide for teachers or neurodivergent children
Other Recommendations
- Uniquely Human – by Barry Prizant
- ‘Uniquely Human’ Podcast available to listen on their website
EPIC Resources
The Edinburgh Psychoeducation Intervention for Children and Young People (EPIC) takes an individualised ‘toolkit’ approach to child development. Their booklets contain information and strategies that apply to all children but are particularly relevant to children with ADHD, ASD, DCD/dyspraxia and those born prematurely.
Understanding the Strengths and Difficulties of ADHD: A guide for parents
The EPIC Strategy booklet: A guide for parents of neurodivergent children
The EPIC Strategy booklet: A guide for teachers
ADHD Foundation – The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity – an integrated health and education service.
Stories That Never Stand Still – ADHD Foundation – An online resource that celebrates individuals with ADHD, written by people with ADHD for people with ADHD.
Action for Children: Parent Talk – An online resource for parents and carers of children aged 0-19 in the UK. They offer information and guidance on supporting children.
Supporting Organisation For School – NHS GCC – A helpful booklet to share with young people to support organisation for school.
Taking Charge of ADHD: The Complete Authoritative Guide for Parents by Russell Barkley is a leading parent resource about ADHD and its treatment.
Understanding ADHD by Christopher Green – An excellent guide to understanding ADHD in children.
My Unique ADHD World by Joanne Steer and Claire Berry
Children & Young People’s Health Services Norfolk – Visual Supports – Information and examples of resources that Early Years Practitioners and families can use to facilitate the understanding of spoken language.
Coming Soon!
FASD.ME – An online website for young people with FASD. It offers varying resources; social stories & videos families can share with their young people
FASD Hub Scotland – Adoption UK – FASD Hub Scotland provides an advice line, online peer support and community group.
Speech and Language UK – Information and resources providing help and support to families with children diagnosed with Developmental Language Disorder. They also provide information on best ways to support for Teachers and Education staff.
Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder (RADLD) – RADLD provide resources that explain what DLD is, the impact it can have, how to get help and how to raise awareness.
NAPLIC – A group of professionals supporting language and communication development. Their website provides resources, such as videos and handouts for schools and families.
The Down’s Syndrome Association – Provides support and walk along life’s journey with both old and young people living with Down’s Syndrome.
Fragile X – Information and support on Fragile X Syndrome for families, carriers and people living with the condition in the UK.
Autism Toolbox – The Autism Toolbox is a free online resource developed to support the inclusion of autistic learners in Scottish Early Learning and Childcare settings, Primary and Secondary schools. They have a wide variety of information and resources available on their website.
Wiggles, Stomps & Squeezes Calm My Jitters Down by Lindsey Rowe Parker
This is a story about sensory differences and how some children experience their world, told from a child’s perspective.
More resources coming soon!
Sleep Action – Sleep action (formerly Sleep Scotland) is the UK’s oldest sleep charity. They provide information and techniques to help support every child to get a good night’s sleep.
Sleep Charity – The Sleep Charity support people across all ages to improve sleep.
Children & Young People’s Health Services Norfolk – Online resources for children with additional needs & disabilities relating to supporting sleep.
Teenagers – Know Yourself Series – National Autistic Society (NAS) – The Know Yourself series offers free resources (videos, PDFs, worksheets) to support autistic teenagers in understanding what being autistic means to them.
A Teenager’s Guide to ADHD – ADHD Foundation – Information Guide and workbook for teachers living with ADHD.
Understanding ASD and Emotional Regulation for Young People – YouTube
Young Minds – Young Minds is a mental health charity for children, young people and their parents, making sure all young people can get the mental health support they need. It has varying information and resources relaiting to varying mental health presentations.
Kooth – Kooth is an online mental wellbeing community which provides access to free, safe and anonymous support for young people.
Barnardos Anxiety – An online resource providing information on anxiety in young people, and best ways to provide support.
Samaritans – Samaritans is a charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk of suicide. They offer support through a telephone helpline.
Mind Works Surrey – The Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service provide information and neurodevelopmental flashcards for children and young people to use in school or at home.
Experience of Grief and Trauma: Beacon House – Beacon House is a specialist, innovative and creative therapeutic service for young people, families and adults that have experienced trauma and loss. The below resource provides information and advice on the best ways to support young people who have experienced grief and developmental trauma.
FDAMH – Falkirk’s Mental Health Association (please note this service is only available within Falkirk)
Children & Young People’s Health Services Norfolk – Toileting Training – Information and resources relating to toileting for children with additional needs and disabilities
Periods and Neurodiversity – University of Edinburgh and Healthy Optimal Periods for Everyone (HOPE) Information for parents to explain and help support children and young people with periods.
Toileting – ERIC is the national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health. Our mission nis to reduce the impact of continence problems on children and their families. They have lots of information and advice available on their website.
Carers Centres
The Falkirk, Clarkmannanshire & Stirling Carers Centres provide information and support if you look after a family member or friend who needs your help due to disability, illness, frailty or addiction. For further information please visit:
Community Health and Wellbeing Hubs
The Community Health and Wellbeing Hubs provide information for children, young people, family members, carers and partners on the supports and services available.
For further information please visit:
- Falkirk – Visit the Falkirk Mental Health & Wellbeing Blog
- Clackmannanshire – Visit the Directory of Mental Health Support
Falkirk Autistic Bairns – support children and their families affected by Autism.
Under the Trees – Under The Trees is an outdoor learning charity that provides inclusive learning opportunities for all. They work within the community, working with all age groups, backgrounds, and abilities.
Contact Scotland – Contact Scotland offers support, advice and information to families with disabled children, no matter what their condition or disability. We support families by running workshops, events and drop-in services, and by providing local information and resources.
Air Thrill – Air Thrill is an active adventure inflatable park located in Falkirk. They offer two peaceful play sessions per week for those with additional support needs. The sessions feature no music and reduced lighting to avoid glare. Carers also go free during these sessions. For timings and further information see below:
Riding for the Disabled Association – This association welcomes clients with physical and learning disabilities, and autism of all ages. They offer fun activities like horse riding, carriage driving and provide therapy, fitness and skill development opportunities for achievement. For more information and locations
AHP Helplines – This document has details of forth valley helplines that may be useful.
Eating Behaviours – A guide with information relating to ASD and eating behaviours.
Food and Feeding related concerns in Infants and Children – Here you can find useful resources such as the happy eaters videos in the fussy eating section.