Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs) work with people with a range of speech, language, communication, and/or eating and drinking difficulties.
The NHS Forth Valley SLT team aim to:
- provide an equitable, person-centred approach to people with speech, language and communication needs and to those with eating and drinking difficulties.
- support people and their families to self-manage these needs.
- develop the skills of other individuals involved with the person to use appropriate support strategies.
- provide training and advice to other services when required.
The NHS Forth Valley SLT team support adults from across the whole Forth Valley area; working in a range of settings, including hospitals, care homes, clinics and in people’s homes where appropriate.
SLTs work with adults with a range of difficulties and diagnoses such as:
- communication or eating and swallowing problems following neurological impairments and degenerative conditions, including stroke, head injury, Parkinson’s disease and dementia
- head, neck or throat cancer
- voice problems
- mental health issues
- learning difficulties
- physical disabilities
- stammering/stuttering/dysfluency
- hearing impairment