Counterweight Lifestyle Groups
Lifestyle – This group is delivered online by a dietitian, over ~9 sessions each lasting about an hour. You will need access to a smart phone, tablet or computer to join the group sessions.
Lifestyle & Activity – This group is delivered by a dietitian and exercise specialist, and sessions include 20-30 minutes of physical activity. Exercises will be planned and suitable for everyone in the group.
Sessions of either programme include information about healthy eating and becoming more active, and you will get ideas and an opportunity to discuss what changes you could make to improve your own lifestyle. They will take place at Grangemouth Leisure Centre and Raploch Community Campus, and will be every week for the first 12 weeks, after which they will be every 3 months for up to one year.
For more information about either programme, please Contact Us.
Specialist Weight Management Support
This support is for people who have a health problem that can be helped by lowering their weight, such as Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Heart Disease or Sleep Apnoea.
You will be offered 6 appointments within a small group, with each appointment 2 weeks apart. After this you will have a one-to-one appointment to see how you are doing, and together we will decide what help you need next and agree a plan moving forward.
Our Group sessions may be delivered online using a video call system. therefore you will need to have a smart phone, tablet or computer to attend these sessions. We also have face-to-face groups at different places across Forth Valley, however we will let you know where these sessions are when we book your appointment.
One-to-one appointments are held at both Falkirk and Stirling Community Hospitals, but if you prefer, we can arrange for your appointment to be online using a video call system or by telephone. You will be offered one-to-one appointments if group work would not be suitable for you.
For more information about this programme, please Contact Us.