As soon as you find out you are pregnant, make an appointment with your midwife. That’s the message NHS Forth Valley is sending out to women across Forth Valley as part of a national drive to encourage the best start… read more →
Work is underway to explore the potential to deliver more health services locally in Clackmannanshire as part of wider plans to improve access and give patients and their families greater choice in when they attend or visit hospital. A range… read more →
Local people are being encouraged by NHS Forth Valley to get online and share their health care experiences. NHS Forth Valley is working with Patient Opinion, an independent not-for-profit website which allows patients, carers and their families to post anonymous… read more →
A campaign is being launched in Forth Valley warning that alcohol can ruin family life. Several hundred special packs are being delivered to ‘one stop’ shops, libraries, and GP surgeries, and messages are being displayed in shopping centres, night clubs… read more →
St Serf’s Primary School in Tullibody is the latest school in Clackmannanshire to receive a Max in the Middle Award for taking part in an innovative programme which gives pupils a healthier lifestyle and increased confidence. Max in the Middle… read more →
Local people across Forth Valley are being encouraged to register their interest in health research. A new campaign, which has been launched today, aims to boost awareness of the Scottish Health Research Register (SHARE), a confidential register run by NHSScotland… read more →
Maternity services in Forth Valley have been voted top in the UK for their innovative work and staff engagement. At a ceremony in London they received the Royal College of Midwives Mothercare Maternity Service of the Year award, a plaudit… read more →
Smokers who light up in the grounds of NHS Forth Valley hospitals are now being approached by a newly-appointed Tobacco Control Officer Gregor McFarlane and urged to stub it out The move is in support of a bid by the… read more →
The maternity department at Forth Valley Royal Hospital has been shortlisted for a Royal College of Midwives national award. The department fought off stiff competition from across the UK to reach the final stages of the Maternity Service of the… read more →
Parents who need additional support with the challenges of parenting could benefit from two free programmes being offered locally later this month. Falkirk Council, NHS Forth Valley and voluntary sector partners are running the Psychology of Parenting Project (PPP) that… read more →