People in Forth Valley have risen to the challenge to get a flu jab and over 65’s have recorded the biggest uptake in mainland Scotland for the 9th consecutive year. Latest figures show that 79.4 % have been vaccinated, compared… read more →
A new ‘one-stop’ service has been introduced in Forth Valley to improve the care and treatment of frail, older people and help reduce avoidable hospital admissions. The service enables GPs to refer patients to a Rapid Access Clinic based at… read more →
The front of Forth Valley Royal Hospital was turned into a giant cinema screen for one night only this week, after being chosen for the showing of a film ‘One Hundred Blinks’ which was created during artist Lindsay Perth’s residency… read more →
NHS Forth Valley is gearing up to cope with extra demands over the festive season and is urging the public to make use of local GP, pharmacy and minor injuries services to avoid putting extra pressure on the Emergency Department… read more →
Quick on the draw! That’s artist Sally Booth who’s been working behind the scenes at Forth Valley Royal Hospital to capture images that the public wouldn’t normally see. She’s been sketching people at work, making pen and ink drawings of… read more →
Proposals to create an innovative new care village for older people on the grounds of Stirling Community hospital have moved a step forward following the development of initial plans. The Outline Business Case (OBC) highlights plans for a new integrated… read more →
Patients and clinical staff across Forth Valley will be involved in a major new dementia research project in partnership with the University of Stirling. The University will co-ordinate one of four work packages in a new 5-year research programme, led… read more →
Police Scotland’s Forth Valley Division and key partners have launched a campaign aimed at reducing the impact and harm caused by alcohol fuelled antisocial behaviour, disorder and violence on communities across the region. The main theme of the campaign will… read more →
Young adults with learning disabilities are being helped to explore relationship issues, thanks to the work of NHS Forth Valley health promotion staff and Central Sexual Health. Led by NHS Forth Valley Senior Health Promotion Officer Pamela Vannan, Community Sexual… read more →
Award winning projects to improve the safety of women and their new born babies were showcased at today’s annual review of NHS Forth Valley’s performance. Before chairing the public meeting, Health Secretary Alex Neil toured the Women and Children’s unit… read more →