Move over Harry Potter, as a pair of super sleuths make their debut in an adventure world created by an NHS Forth Valley Speech and Language therapist. Glenn Carter’s first novel, Operation Sabre, targeted at 9-14 year olds, has just… read more →
Portraits of healthcare heroes in NHS Forth Valley are amongst those featured in a new exhibition at Forth Valley Royal Hospital which pays tribute to key workers during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Immortalised on canvas by Clackmannanshire artist Karen Strang,… read more →
Thousands of patients across Forth Valley have been able to continue to access expert health information and advice during the Covid-19 pandemic thanks to a huge rise in the use of video consultations. The Near Me service has been used… read more →
A local MP has donated dozens of tablet devices to local hospitals serving his constituency so that patients unable to see their families can make video calls and maintain vital social contact with their loved ones. John Nicolson, Member of… read more →
People in Forth Valley now have access to a much wider range of online self-help packages for coping with Covid-19, depression, anxiety, and the emotional impact of some physical health problems. The new suite of packages from Silver Cloud will… read more →
Over the next few weeks, parents, nurseries, schools and care homes across Forth Valley are being invited to take part in a Natural Health Award, a fun learning programme which has been adapted for use during the Covid-19 restrictions. Designed… read more →
The ‘Blue Peter’ skills of a NHS Forth Valley Children’s Occupational Therapist has made life ‘smiles better’ for patients at the Bellfield Centre, part of the new Stirling Health and Care Village. Sarah Dove, who has been redeployed there to… read more →
Staff from NHS Forth Valley have volunteered to be part of the workforce providing vital care and support for Scotland’s new temporary hospital at the SEC in Glasgow. Louise Boyle, NHS Forth Valley’s Head of Nursing for Emergency and Inpatient… read more →
Adaptations to existing medical equipment at Forth Valley Royal Hospital have seen 35 anaesthetic machines converted to ventilators. This has increased the hospital’s capacity six-fold and an ultra-pure water supply system has also been installed in the Intensive Care Unit… read more →
NHS Forth Valley Nurse Director, Professor Angela Wallace, has paid tribute to the 3,000 plus nurses and midwives who work across NHS Forth Valley as the profession celebrates International Nurses Day on 12th May 2020 during the first ever Global… read more →