The use of technology is delivering quicker treatment for NHS Forth Valley patients who present with eye problems following an injury or accident. It involves using a bespoke combination of a slit lamp aligned with a tablet computer which enables… read more →
The green credentials surrounding the development of Forth Valley Royal Hospital have been recognised by a national organisation dedicated to making places good for both people and wildlife. Building with Nature the UK’s first benchmark for green infrastructure, has selected… read more →
NHS Forth Valley Consultant Haematologist, Dr Roddy Neilson has been appointed a Queen’s Honorary Physician (QHP) by the Army. He’s believed to be the first haematologist to be appointed to this role. His appointment is in recognition of his work… read more →
Forth Valley Police Division has donated £3,000 from their Community Partnership Fund to the Meadows to help purchase toys and equipment for the children’s area. The Meadows, which is located in one of the Bungalows off Stirling Road in Larbert,… read more →
Cornea donation in Forth Valley has doubled over the past year, thanks to an innovative scheme devised by an NHS Forth Valley Emergency Department doctor. Each member of staff in the Department has now been issued with a prompt card,… read more →
People in the NHS Forth Valley area are being encouraged to think about how their weekly drinking adds up, as part of a national campaign to raise awareness of the recommended alcohol limits. With guidelines stating that men and women… read more →
A new Chief Officer has been appointed to take forward the development of the Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care Partnership – a joint partnership between NHS Forth Valley, Clackmannanshire and Stirling Councils. Annemargaret Black, who is currently the… read more →
People who have experienced a sexual assault are set to benefit from a new Forth Valley facility, which could become a blueprint for Health Boards across Scotland. The facility, which is known as the Meadows, was officially opened today by… read more →
A popular resource for pregnant women and their families has been updated to include the latest information on perinatal mental health support. A refreshed edition of Scotland’s ‘Ready Steady Baby’ publication was launched today in the Women and Children’s Unit… read more →
Patients attending GP surgeries across Forth Valley are being offered more choice about who they can see, following the successful recruitment of a wide range of specialist health professionals to work alongside doctors. The first 80 health professionals to begin… read more →