NHS Forth Valley is gearing up to cope with extra demands over the festive season and is urging the public to make use of local GP, pharmacy and minor injuries services to avoid putting extra pressure on the Emergency Department… read more →
Staff, visitors and patients from across Forth Valley joined in the countdown to switch on the Christmas tree lights in the atrium at Forth Valley Royal Hospital on Saturday, 6th December 2014. The lights were officially switched on by the… read more →
Almost 70 people, with a total of 1,710 years service between them, attended the first of two award ceremonies to celebrate their long careers working for the NHS. The event was hosted by the Chairman of NHS Forth Valley, Alex… read more →
The compassion showed by the intensive care unit team to a colleague diagnosed with a serious medical condition has earned them the Chairman’s Special Award in the first ever NHS Forth Valley Staff Awards. The nomination, which described the team… read more →
PEOPLE in Forth Valley are being encouraged to Be Health-Wise This Winter at today’s (November 26th) launch of a national health campaign. The Minister for Public Health Maureen Watt was joined by schoolchildren and NHS 24’s Executive Nurse Director Sheena… read more →
NHS Scotland is supporting European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2014 using media messaging, NHS board communications and dissemination of information leaflets and posters. These resources highlight that common infections such as coughs, colds, sore throats and earache, cannot be cured by… read more →
“COPD – could this be you?” is Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s message for World COPD Day 2014. To mark the day, the charity is supporting a campaign to make people in Forth Valley aware of the UK’s fifth biggest… read more →
People in Forth Valley who are eligible for the flu vaccine are being urged to get protected before the end of the year. New uptake figures for the region show the percentage of people yet to be vaccinated, and the… read more →
Scotland’s NHS is to roll out innovative ways for nurses to review patient care across hospital wards – checking that high standards are met and encouraging continuous improvements. The quality assurance processes will cover nursing and midwifery within all hospitals… read more →
Local people from across Forth Valley are being invited to attend NHS Forth Valley’s Annual Review to hear more about the delivery of local health services. This will include ongoing work to improve the experience of patients and develop services… read more →